Physical activity enhances fine and gross motor muscle development and allows freedom of movement and expression. Our gym includes various items such as: balls, hula hoops, bowling set, tunnels, skipping ropes as well as physical literacy props. Each of our program classes spend at least 30 minutes a day in the gym.

Outdoor Play Area
Outdoor play is an integral part of our program. It is an extension of our indoor program which offers children the opportunity to develop their gross motor skills. Our outdoor environment includes play structures and various items such as: slides, bikes, teeter-tooter, balls, hula hoops, sandbox, swimming pools, push toys and picnic tables. Each of our program classes play outdoors for 30 minutes, twice a day. Children are kept indoors in extremely poor weather conditions.

All of your children’meals are prepared in our on-site kitchen. We employ a full-time cook who is trained in food handling procedures by the Calgary Health Region. All hot foods are kept hot on the stove or oven, and all cold foods are stored in the refrigerator until they are ready to be served. Our menus coincide with the Canada Food Guide: taking into consideration: nutritional needs, cultural and religious practices and health needs such as allergies.

Bathroom Facilities
The toileting routine is an important part of a child’s day. It provides many learning opportunities, such as waiting, self-awareness, responsibility, independence, hygiene and cleanliness. Our early childhood professionals will support and guide children in maintaining proper toileting and hand-washing routines. When children are physically ready for toilet leaning, our staff will work together with parents as a team to provide a positive and consistent learning experience.

Diaper Changing Stations
We consider diaper changing to be part of the daily routine. When a child is being changed, our staff will involve them in the activity through conversations about what is happening. All infant and toddlers diaper change details will be recorded and noted on our daily observation and communication sheets. Our diaper changing stations are designed to meet the requirements of the Calgary Health Region’s environmental health standards. We comply with Calgary Health Region’s hand washing and diapering procedures, which are posted in our washrooms and changing areas.